• Every Child Deserves a Dream

Hogar de Cristo

The new Emiliani Project children’s home in Colombia.

The Hogar de Cristo (Home of Christ) is a new Emiliani Project home currently under construction in Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia (30 minutes south of Medellin). When complete, the Hogar de Cristo will be home to 160 children without families. They will be raised, educated and loved in a family community of children in the beautiful, peaceful, rural environment outside of the busy city.

The home itself will consist of 33 structures, to include dormitory-style bedrooms, commercial kitchen and dining room, library, school classrooms, gymnasium, activities room, seamstress shop, bakery, medical offices, administration/staff buildings, and a chapel. Construction on the home began early 2015. Now that we are well underway, current status on the construction efforts can be found on The Emiliani Project Facebook page. We estimate completion of the home sometime in 2022, depending largely on fundraising efforts.

Emiliani Project Hogar de Cristo

Once complete, the operation of the Hogar de Cristo will be financed by The Emiliani Project and staffed by our Colombian project partners. The operation of the home will be a reflection of the Hogar Bohío de Maria en Bello, Colombia; where the children are prepared for life and taught to be compassionate and responsible members of society. Hogar de Cristo will provide a family for children who have none.

Our goal is a long-term commitment to our children. We will continue providing a safe and caring environment for these children to live and learn as they begin the long process of recovery from the tragedies they’ve endured.

But your help is needed to make this possible. If you are interested in learning more about our volunteer opportunities in Colombia working with our kids or helping with the construction of our new home, please visit our Mission Trips page for more information and to register.
