The Emiliani Project wants to help children worldwide. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help in a number of ways to support our efforts, both here in the United States and abroad.

Introduce yourself below and tell us how you want to be involved. Let’s work together to help give these children a dream! Here are some ways in which you can help, but there are many more.

Stay informed

Simply registering for our electronic newsletter supports our efforts! The more people we are able to reach, the more sponsors and volunteers we are able to attract. Just by being a member of our Emiliani Project family you are helping children. Our newsletter will include: updates on current projects, profiles of children you are helping us nurture, scheduled fundraising events and volunteer opportunities, and educational tools to help your family understand the problem faced by children around the globe.

Register below to become a part of our Emiliani Project family! If you indicate that you wish to volunteer, then you may be contacted directly with more information. If you do not wish to volunteer, you will ONLY receive our electronic newsletter with your registration. Your registration will NOT result in solicitations of any kind. Your information will NOT be shared. You can unsubscribe to our newsletter at any time.

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